Patient Resources
APGNN has partnered with NASPGHAN in the development and updating of the GIKids website. GIKids provides children and families with resources and easy-to-understand information on the diagnosis and management of pediatric digestive disorders.
Helpful Patient & Family Resources
- Crohn's and Colitis Foundation
Offers education support for both providers and patients, as well as resources for school, medication, and insurance issues.
- International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders
Provides information for kids and teens with functional GI disorders
- SuperMeg Pain Reduction for IV Placement
This tool that can be used for children nervous or scared for IVs or Blood draws. The purpose of this interactive website is to help with the pain management strategies, skills, and support they need to prevent and reduce pain.
- Pediatric Magnet/Battery Ingestions
Has the latest information on pediatric battery ingestions. Click here for more information about magnet ingestion.
- Pediatric Food Allergies
Has information on testing as well as dietary management advice for children with food allergies.